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Domestic Long Hair / Mixed (long coat) : : Female : : Baby : : Medium
So many people to love, so little time... Ivy is looking for a family that can look past the sins of her namesake and embraces the lovable, snuggle-worthy kitten she is. We left out the "poison" portion of her name because there is not a harmful bone in her little body. Ivy does have superpowers that she plans to use for the rest of her days as your faithful companion. One touch of her velvety coat and you will succumb to the most adorable levels the human body can stand. Her second superpower is charm, I mean just look at her! We are confident that even through pictures, she will pull you into making her a part of your family. If you are interested in adopting Ivy, please fill out an adoption application through Atascosa Animal Allies at: https://www.atascosaanimalallies.org/forms/form?formid=4873
More about IvyGood with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Quiet, Likes to play with toys, Likes to be in your lap, Apartment OK, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Gentle, Goofy
Other Pictures of Ivy (click to see larger version):